Profile for centriik


Details about centriik

State-of-the-art (SOA) searches are the most comprehensive of all patent searches and are used to get a complete picture of a particular patent area. The State of the art search is used to drive strategies at both IP and corporate levels, helping to provide long-term market advantage. It is essentially market research that looks broadly and comprehensively into all that is done in a particular art.
state of the art search

Why you need State of the Art Search?
There are two main situations when someone needs State of the Art report:-
A new technology area: It is advantageous to conduct a SOA search, if company is intending to enter, grow in, or invest in a completely new market in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the current trends, previously explored ideas, and continuing advances in the relevant technology space. This helps to identify relevant information for or against business decisions such as: Competitiveness, risk factors, and profitability are associated with the technology of interest.
Narrowing down the R&D path: For companies active in a particular field, SOA research can analyze the latest developments in that field or re-evaluate past inventions to determine the most appropriate future direction for research. It also helps in designing products in comparison with existing prototypes.


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